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Oxford University Press is the world’s largest university press with the widest global presence. OUP publishes in over 50 countries, in more than 40 languages, and in a variety of print and digital formats. Our catalogue includes textbooks, dictionaries, resources for English language teaching, scientific journals, and monographs, among others.
As a department of the University of Oxford, our worldwide publishing furthers the University’s objectives of excellence in scholarship, research, and education. Our main criteria when evaluating a new title for publication are its quality and whether it supports those aims of furthering education and disseminating knowledge.
OUP’s journey into the Spanish market began in 1991, distributing content specific to English language teaching in Spain, and later becoming the country’s leading ELT publisher. OUP Spain also began to publish books and materials for the Spanish curriculum with the launch of Oxford Educación in 1998. The quality and innovation offered in all of our courses over the years have driven us to become market leaders and earned us the trust of the educational community.
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