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Grace Darling

All they could hear was the wind, and the waves. All they could see was the night. They could not see the ship, broken in two, or the people holding on to the dark wet rock, slowly dying of cold. And they could not hear the cries for help - only the wind. How could a man and his daughter save the people on the rock? They only had a little wooden boat in that wild and dangerous sea. The Forfarshire was wrecked off the north-east coast of England in 1838. This is the true story of Grace Darling - a girl who became a famous heroine on that stormy night.
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Tim Vicary



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Stage 2


Oxford Bookworms Library


Cambridge English: Flyers; Cambridge English: Key (KET); IELTS 3.0 – 4.5; TOEIC 225 – 780; TOEFL 24 – 86

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