A five-level course for Secondary education
Collaborate, create, and learn together
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with our LOMLOE-aligned course, Synchronize. Students learn more than language with manageable, step-by-step learning situations integrated in each unit to achieve real, practical outcomes. With five levels to choose from, Synchronize lets you decide where to start and finish at the exact level that you and your class need.
Blended Solution
Your students can enjoy all the benefits of the print and the digital book for flexible learning wherever they are.
- Student’s Book Pack with Student’s Book ebook
- Workbook and Project Log with Digital Workbook
- Active Learning Kit
Robert Sved, Nicholas Tims, Daniel Brayshaw, Paul Davies, Lindsay Warwick, Sylvia Wheeldon
Listado de ISBNNivel
CEFR A1 + - B1 + / A2 - B2

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