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The Boy-King Tutankhamun

I can see wonderful things!' said Howard Carter, when he opened the tomb of the Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamun, in 1922. Suddenly Tutankhamun was famous. This is Tutankhamun's story, told by his friend Aziru. Aziru goes to live in the Pharaoh's palace as a young boy, and he and Tutankhamun are soon great friends. Pharaoh from the age of nine, Tutankhamun rebuilds his country from times of great change. But there are powerful men in the palace, and Aziru is often afraid for his friend too.
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Scott Lauder and Walter McGregor



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Stage 1


Oxford Bookworms Library


Cambridge English: Movers; Cambridge English: Flyers; Cambridge English: Key (KET); IELTS 1.0 – 3.0; TOEIC 120 – 545; TOEFL 8 – 56

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