Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Global Politics

Developed in cooperation with the IB and designed to provide comprehensive coverage of the 2024 IB Global Politics subject guide, Oxford’s DP Global Politics resources offer the perfect combination of print and digital. Use our print course book for the content, the digital Kerboodle course for additional resources, and both for the best teaching and learning experience.


      Oxford IB Diploma Programme

      • Published in cooperation with the IB so you can be assured the content is aligned, reviewed and approved.
      • Provide comprehensive coverage of all topics, structured according to the syllabus, and fully aligned to the 2024 subject guide.
      • Focus on both knowledge and skills with high quality content created by experienced IB authors, examiners and teachers.
      • Help students to develop conceptual understanding by easily integrating subject knowledge, TOK, and key concepts.
      • Engage students with a digital back of topical case studies.
      • Motivate learners with a variety of engaging content including interactive activities, vocabulary exercises, and videos, hosted on our Kerboodle online platform.
      • Support students in exam preparation with sample student answers and guidance on how to approach example exam-style questions.
      • Enable learning anywhere with mobile-optimised student resources and offline access to the digital Course Book via Kerboodle.
      • Ease the transition to the new specification with Professional Development support.

      Discover more about DP Global Politics in this handy brochure:

      Open in a separate window.

      Ensure learners are prepared for their IB assessments with Oxford's IB Prepared series. Developed in cooperation with the IB, these rigorous resources support the latest IB curriculum and provide IB teachers and learners with the highest level of support for all aspects of their IB assessments.

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